
Mar 6, 20212 min

Guest Blog--Chrissy M. Dennis

Introduce yourself—name, where you’re from, and something people notice when they meet you. By the way, I'm excited to have you!

Hello, I’m Chrissy M. Dennis, and I’m from Caronport, Saskatchewan. Yes, the winters are brutal 😊. When people meet me, they usually notice my two little girls, probably because they’re a lot cuter than I am :P

Tell us about your book—title and back cover blurb.

A Sinking Star

At 17 years old, Evie Boone just wants to survive high school and keep her sisters safe. When their broken mother returns home after disappearing for weeks, nothing Evie can do will keep the cops from messing with her plan to lay low. Worse, there’s nothing she can do to stop the father who walked out on her and her sisters nine years ago from opening his home to them. As Evie wrestles to salvage her crumbling life, her father and his new family pursue Evie with a gentle love the likes of which she’s never known. Are they for real, or is it all an act? Can she ever go back to the life she knew before her mother’s arrest? And if she’s honest with herself, does she even want to anymore?

Share one thing that you found difficult or challenging about writing this book.

I think the biggest challenge for me writing this book was how close to home it hit. It’s certainly not autobiographical, but there are many scenarios in the book that were very personal. Writing A Sinking Star was definitely an emotional roller coaster.

Ask the blog reader a quirky question or two.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what is the one object you would absolutely need to have with you?

I used to say I would need a boat. Then I could just leave. Now, I think the solitude and quiet of a deserted island sounds pretty amazing. If I can only bring one object, I guess I can’t bring books. I don’t think there is one book I would want to read over and over again. Maybe I’d bring my Bible. Then again, I’ve seen Lost. Maybe I should bring a weapon to protect me from the Others, and all the polar bears.

Share your social media and buy links!

Blog readers, please do comment below--I love her cover! And I think if I was on a deserted island, the one thing I'd want after a boat, is a working cell phone. If we can't use the obvious, I'd want a machete--not because I'm violent, but because I need to chop branches for shelter and coconuts. What do you think?
