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Bonus Guest Blog Post: Patti Shene Comment for a Chance to Win

Welcome to Patti, who has kindly featured me on her blog several times and I wanted to return the favor. :)

Hi. My name is Patti Shene Gonzales and I was born and raised on the south shore of Long Island in New York. Just short of 50 years ago, I transferred with the Veterans Administration as a registered nurse to southeastern Colorado. I have been here ever since.

The first thing people notice about me when they meet me is that I am undoubtedly a senior citizen. I am also a very nearsighted senior citizen. If I meet someone in an online meeting or in a venue where name tags are used, my nose is practically touching the screen or in a person’s face as I try to read their name!

Tell us about your book—title and back cover blurb?

Cathy’s Christmas confession – Book 3 is my first published novella and the third book in the multi-author Christmas Ridge Romance series. Here is the back cover blurb:

Christmas is not a time of joy for the hurting.

During a snowstorm, widow Cathy Fischer creams a stop sign on her way to work at the Christmas Ridge Community Church. Acquaintance David Martin stops to help. Cathy sees signs of deep grief in David, a recent widower. She reaches out with support in an attempt to help David through this most difficult first Christmas without his beloved wife.

David Martin struggles with grief over the death of his wife. He blames God for her rapid demise after her cancer diagnosis. Cathy reaches out to him with compassion and support and soon enlists him in her mission to bring joy to others at Christmas. Will their joint quest restore David’s faith?

David needs to turn loose of the past and embrace his future. Cathy has a confession to make to the entire community that may give David a different perspective of who she really is. Will her confession set her free?

Does God have plans in mind for the two of them they did not anticipate?

Share one thing that you found difficult or challenging about writing this book.

The most challenging thing I found about writing this book was caused by one of my biggest flaws, that of procrastination. Even though I learned about this multi author project back in April, it was well into August before I started typing words on a computer screen. That gave me a mere eight weeks to complete the project before the novella was due up on Amazon for pre-order. I learned a hard lesson!

Ask the blog reader a quirky question or two?

Here’s a couple of questions for readers.

Have you ever spoiled a Christmas surprise by making a silly mistake?

Here’s my story.

A couple of years ago, my daughter had expressed a desire for a new vacuum cleaner for Christmas. I was shopping for one, but wanted a second opinion from my granddaughter. I snapped photos of two or three different models on my phone and texted them to my granddaughter with the question, “which one do you think Mom would like?”. I waited and waited for a reply. It wasn’t until I checked the text again that I realized I had sent it to my daughter instead. She was at work, and when she finally received the message, she got quite a chuckle out of it. Needless to say, she got exactly the model she wanted.

Have you ever given the wrong gift to the wrong person on Christmas morning?

Here’s my story.

My daughter is a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan and her husband at the time was an avid Denver Broncos fan. I had purchased a jersey for each of them representing their respective teams. However, on Christmas morning, my son-in-law opened his gift and was greeted by the Dallas Cowboys jersey intended for my daughter. He pulled the garment out of the box and declared, “this is the ugliest shirt I have ever seen!”

Share your social media and buy links!

Cathy’s Christmas Confession is now available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited at this link:

Check out our Amazon Christmas Ridge Romance page:

( to learn about other books in the series and receive updates!

Connect with Patti at:

I would love to do a giveaway of a Kindle copy of Cathy’s Christmas Confession or winner’s choice of any other available book in the Christmas Ridge Romance series.

Thank you, Patti, for joining us!

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30 comentários

17 de dez. de 2022

Thank You and hope you do the same.


17 de dez. de 2022

Nice to meet you, Patti! Thank you, Christina, for sharing your space with another author. I am always told that I have "a way with words." Some questions I have are- How did you know that you were meant to be a writer? What was the process for you like? Once you decided to become a writer, how did you figure out what it was that you wanted to write? Thanks again for sharing and I wish you and your loved ones a beautiful holiday filled with many blessings, hugs, love, and laughter. Take care!

Carmen J
Carmen J
27 de dez. de 2022
Respondendo a

Thanks so much! I'll email you right away!


Sarah Taylor
Sarah Taylor
17 de dez. de 2022

Thank You for sharing! Merry Christmas

18 de dez. de 2022
Respondendo a

Sarah, thank you for stopping by and letting us know you were here. Best wishes for a blessed Happy Jesus's birthday!


17 de dez. de 2022

Book sounds interesting.

18 de dez. de 2022
Respondendo a

Thank you! Happy Jesus's birthday! Glad you stopped by.


Debra Pruss
Debra Pruss
16 de dez. de 2022

Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you. Merry Christmas.

17 de dez. de 2022
Respondendo a

Thank you for being here, Debra. Blessings to you!

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