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Guest Blog...Amy Anguish

Introduce yourself—name, where you’re from, and something people notice when they meet you.

Hi. I’m Amy Anguish from middle Tennessee. And I’m one of the few authors I know who isn’t an introvert. I love meeting people and spending time with others.

Tell us about your book—title and back cover blurb.

Writing Home

Christiana Jones dreamed her whole life of living in Huntsville, Alabama, so she can’t figure out why it doesn’t feel like home. Her relationships—on social media and in real life—seem shallow and empty. When she unearths a stack of her grandparents’ letters, it spurs an idea. Could she find something deeper with a pen pal?

Jordan White is taken aback when his cousin Tina suggests he become pen pals with her childhood best friend. What could a Louisiana boy have in common with a girl two states away? After all, he’s happily settled on his family’s property and working the job he always wanted. But every letter they exchange has him wishing for more.

As they grow closer through their written words, the miles between them seem to grow wider. Can love cross the distance and bring them home?

Share one thing that you found difficult or challenging about writing this book.

Probably the biggest challenge was figuring out how to make two people fall in love when they lived two states apart. And then how to get them together for good when both were well-settled in their own hometowns.

Ask a quirky question.

Got any embarrassing or cute pen pal stories? If you had a pen pal, how long did the letters continue to go back and forth?

So, I will say up front that I had quite a few pen pals for at least one or two letters. Mostly, those happened in elementary school. One’s name was Tina, my best friend from the school I went to in Mississippi, and I wrote her right after we moved to Arkansas. I also write a few of my cousins. But my main pen pal, was my long-distance relationship with a guy in Oklahoma while we were living in Tennessee. I met him at church when visiting

my grandparents and we wrote for probably four or five years. We’re still friends, by the way, although we haven’t written a letter in years.

Share your social media and buy links!

Learn more about my books at

And check out the YouTube channel I do with two other authors, Once Upon a Page (

Thank you, Amy, for joining me. I pray for good things for you in 2021!

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