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Guest Blog: Sara Davison Paperback Prize to Commenter in US/Canada WINNER: BookLovertina

Updated: Jan 28

Dear Readers, please join me in welcoming Sara Davison to the blog--she's a repeat customer and I appreciate her joining us!


       Hi friends! My name is Sara Davison and I live near Toronto, Ontario, Canada. What people notice when they meet me depends on the time of day. If it’s morning, likely what they will notice is that I am headed straight for the coffee maker. The rest of the day, hopefully they see that, as an omnivert, I love meeting people and hearing their stories (and then I love going home and closeting myself in with my family or writing in my office). Both definitely recharge my batteries. Ultimately, I hope and pray they see the light of Christ in me and feel God’s love radiating to the people around me.  

Tell us about your book?

My latest romantic suspense release is called The Color of Sky and Stone, which is the first book in a new series—In The Shadows.

Here is a bit about the story:

She is the only one who truly sees him.

Which makes her his greatest threat. 

Undercover cop Tane Temauri has made it his life’s mission to stay out of sight. Given the dangers inherent in his job, the last thing he can afford is to step into the open and become a target. Again.

Then a letter from a mysterious stranger changes everything. Although the letter was not meant for him, somehow, on a greater, cosmic scale, it feels as though it is.

But answering it will make Tane vulnerable.

How can he emerge from the shadows and risk everything for a woman he has never met?

If he does, more than his heart could be on the line. So could his life.

And hers.



Tane hesitated.

“What is it?”

He tucked the phone between his chin and shoulder and rubbed circles around his temple with the fingers of his good hand. “They knew we were there.”

“Why do you say that?”

“We were two hundred yards away, completely still, in total darkness. Not doing anything that could have alerted them to our presence, but suddenly they were coming right for us, guns blazing.”

After a short pause, his handler spoke, his voice heavy. “All right. I’ll notify Internal Affairs.”

“They already know.”


“I called them.”

The silence between them grew oppressive. Finally, Beck said, “You think it was me.”

Tane didn’t hesitate. “No.” This was one of his closest friends. No way Beck would betray him and Johnny like that.

“But I’m on a very short list of people who knew where you’d be tonight. I get it. It’s protocol. I might have done the same in your position. Still hurts.”

Tane lowered his clenched fist to his knee. “I know. I’m sorry.” He’d always believed that turning in a friend was the worst thing he could do in his life. Turned out it wasn’t even the worst thing he’d done that night.


 Quirky questions:

When undercover cop Tane Temauri finds a letter not meant for him, he contemplates answering it, despite the danger. He only means to write the mysterious woman—Lia—once, to let her know what his words had meant to him. Instead, his reply ignites a correspondence between them that changes—and threatens—both their lives. Do you write letters to anyone anymore? Did you when you were younger? What is the most meaningful letter you have ever received or what was the most impactful correspondence with someone that you engaged in? If you could receive a letter from anyone, living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope they would share with you?


My answer: I don’t write letters anymore, but I did often as a kid. I had pen-pals in other countries after getting their name from the pen-pal section of a Christian kids magazine, and it was cool to hear about what their lives and experiences were like and to share about life in my country (Canada) with them. Then, when I was a teenager, I exchanged letters for a few months with a guy I’d had a crush on when we were both on staff at a summer camp. I can still remember the thrill of opening the mailbox and seeing a letter from him. He was a great letter-writer, although eventually the letters tailed off and we both ended up married to other people. If I could receive a letter from anyone, it would be my all-time favourite movie star, Jimmy Stewart. For one, I think he is the greatest actor of all time, so it would be exciting to hear from him. For another, I’ve read in numerous sources about what a good person he was—a person of deep faith, devoted to his family and his country. I imagine he would have all kinds of advice and personal life experiences to share that would be impactful and endlessly fascinating.

Thank you, Sara, for sharing such interesting stories! I'm sure the book is fascinating!

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